COmmit · devote · empower

1:1 spiritual mentorship

6 weeks mentorship


Your soul growth is the investment that will shift your life into living in the paradigm of higher frequency of unconditional love, trust and joy.

This mentorship is for you if you are:

A coach, healer, soulpreneur, feminine spiritual leader! 

Are already on or are awakening to your spiritual path and shamanic powers 

Seeking to discover and fully embody your gifts to create a new way 

Wanting to receive support in navigating what you are feeling to make sense and to ground in the teachings present to you at this time

Are ready to release old programming, limiting belief systems that are causing suffering and burdening your life 

Hearing the call to drop deeper and more fully into yourself here and now

I see you in your wholeness

You are one of the spiritual leaders that our planet is in deep need of!

You are here doing the work…and each new level of expansion you enter requires a new meeting of yourself.

Maybe you don’t recognise who you are anymore, people, things and places seem to just not resonate with your way of being. 

You are feeling the higher frequency shifts, seeing all the signs, but not sure how to navigate your way through it nor make sense of the ever unfolding transitioning. 

Your environment, who you engage with, who you receive support from has a huge impact on taking you higher in reaching your next level.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience and you are feeling that yearning call to step deeper, more fully into your soul’s missions, living to your fullest potential in this lifetime.

Living in these higher states of being everything is possible! 

soul growth embodied transformation

Soul growth is your life’s purpose, it gives true meaning to what it means to be alive.

You can read all the books, study and learn all the knowledge but it is only through your embodied experience that you can truly begin to transform. 

As your mentor, I work with Shakti energy which is the primordial life force energy connected to source and creation itself. It is the power that evolves your consciousness and opens the doorways into your soul to clear and activate imprinted codes. 

Your souls gifts are not learned they are remembered. In these sessions I will mirror back to you the light I see within you and through this reflection you will remember, embody and transform. 



  • Enter into the deeper depths of understanding your unique soul wisdom and walk in purpose and trust in what is being revealed to you
  • Come home to your magic and free your soul to be in communion with life
  • Accelerate on your soul path through receiving guided support and channelled activations 
  • Commit to yourself in a safe space to voice your truth for further insight, perspective and to gain clarity in your purpose and direction 


Our ancient ancestors knew of the importance that came with honouring the Earth and themselves as part of the integral whole, they knew that there was spirit in all things and how to live life in ritual for there is great power we hold as human beings and this comes with great responsibility; we are a physical manifestation of energy – the bridge between heaven and earth where spirit meets matter.

As soul beings we hold energetic imprints (from past lives and our ancestors) as we know, everything starts on an energetic level first before it reaches physical manifestation therefore the more aware you are of your energy bodies (soul body) the more you can understand that your outer reality is a projection of your inner world. 

To give yourself time, space and reverence to meet with your soul is to also meet with the depths of your truth, desires and visions…it’s sensual experience from all spectrums from pain to pleasure and FEELING into knowing, into being, into seeing here you recognise where you’ve unconsciously been holding your soul captive and imprisoned and consciously give it room to be freed. 

The importance of soul-work gives meaning and purpose to life and your birthright as a powerful being here to be the creatrix of your reality and you get to have FUN doing it. 


Each session is intuitively led,  you bring your whole self to the space and I will connect in with my guides in reading your energy to lead the session in exactly what is needed in that moment in time.

Sessions include:

  • Weekly Shamanic Sessions & Soul Readings 
  • Clearings and Activation 
  • Light Code Channelling 
  • Ceremonies and Soul Journeys
  • Unravel core wounding beyond this lifetime to release blocks and patterns
  • Receive sacred teachings and spiritual navigation tools & guidance that will support you  

The finer details

What are the benefits of receiving 1:1 Spiritual mentorship sessions

There are many benefits of a private ceremony the main purpose is to devote yourself to yourself, drop into your inner world and enliven the voice held deep within your being – the voice of your soul for wisdom, truth and guidance

  • Feel deeply held, embraced, loved and accepted in a cultivated safe ceremonial space
  • Honour and devote yourself to yourself and therefore life itself
  • Express yourself through the language of the soul: vibrational frequency + embodied movement
  • A space to be in your full expression to be seen and held – to heal, feel and be 
  • Open your mind through your felt experience to shift your perspectives from what you think you know and drop into deeper depths of your very own held wisdom that will guide you in the here and now
  • To come into the remembrance of all that you are and came here to be 
  • To awaken to your purpose and passion as an impactful part of the collective whole
  • To deepen your connection and return back to nature for healing and guidance 
  • Nourish your mind, body & soul coming into wholeness with self
  • Work with the elements (air, fire, water, earth) in ritual for assisting you in your soul-work
  • Receive healing from spirit of the drum + rattles 

Personal Investment

Have more questions?

Let me put you fully at ease and see how 1:1 Spiritual Mentorship sessions will best benefit you. Book in a free call below or email me on

All photos on this page are taken by Lina Della Luna

Intagram: : @dellaluna_photo

Client love

Work with Francesca

“We must visit the dark void to experience a living rebirth of light”

Ready to re-wild with me?

Frequently asked questions

Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation, it is derived from deep rooted tradition found in cultures around the world from ancient times up to the present day.

Shamanic healing is a form of energy healing that consists of a combination of traditional shamanic techniques that combines the use of sacred tools (drum, rattle, crystals, stones) and intuitive channeled insight and healing that aims to remove blockages that may be keeping you from living up to your full potential and retrieve lost soul parts for a return of wholeness and balance.

Reiki, pronounced Rey-Key, is made of two Japanese words – ‘Rei’ which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and ‘Ki’ which is “life force energy.” Reiki is a form of complementary therapy relating to energy healing. It works with the energy fields around the body and involves the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to the client.

There are many different forms of energy healing modalities but broadly speaking it is any form of practice which works on the subtle flow of energy throughout the body, to help restore health (both mental and physical) and a sense of balance. Energy healing is known as the original form of medicine with evidence of this complementary/alternative therapy dating back to 1,500 BC.

We are all connected in a web of life that quantum physics calls the ‘unified field’ with no existence of time and space. This allows for distant healing sessions to be just as effective without the need for physical presence. Some clients prefer distant healing sessions purely for the comfortability of being in their own home. Alternatively, if you are wanting to receive a more fuller experience within a created safe and sacred space then an in-person session would be more suitable.

The feeling sensation varies from client to client but you may expect to feel deeply relaxed during the session. It is likely that random thoughts and emotions may pop up for your own awareness, you may even daydream or fall into a light sleep. It is common to feel hot or cold sensations in the body as well as an internal tingling or drawing of energy. There is no need to be alarmed by any of these felt sensations and it is advisable to focus on your breathing and remain open to receive throughout the session.

Light codes are  energetic patterns or frequencies of information that carry spiritual wisdom and healing energy. These codes are embedded in the fabric of the universe. As a light code channeller I awaken and activate your dormant codes to facilitate spiritual growth, expand consciousness, and promote healing on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Activating these codes is often seen as a way to connect with higher levels of awareness. levels of awareness and divine guidance.

If this is your first private session, you will be required to fill in a health questionnaire. Please avoid drinking any alcohol at least 24 hours prior to your session. You will want to wear comfortable clothing during the session and be prepared to discuss your healing needs to be explored.

The answer to this varies from person to person. We are all unique in our blueprints and this would need to be evaluated after an initial session. There is no obligation for more sessions, however, if there is a particular deep rooted issue it may require more than one session. Some clients like to have regular sessions as a maintenance for their own wellbeing.

Feminine embodiment coaching uses the 4 tools of feminine embodiment practices awareness, movement, breath and sound to help you access deeper threads of truth, invited to be expressed and liberated to gain access to your own internal clarity and wisdom that will guide and move you forward towards your purpose.


The principle is depth first direction second – having the solid foundation and exploration of the feminine ‘flow’ in order to drive forward with the masculine ‘go’. A beautiful dance of exploration in a safe container, gently guided and prompted through questions that welcome in and invite a deeper intimate connection with self that subtly creates the shifts needed for sustainable actions to take place. 

Embodiment coaching is where I guide you safely into feeling into your body to access deeper truths and release unprocessed stuck emotion through feeling and expressing.

Spiritual mentorship sessions include sacred teachings, soul readings, channelling, energy clearings and activations.